Report from the Delegates Conference held in Wolsfeld and Trier, January 17th-19th 1970. First appeared in Pascal Dumontier: Les Situationnistes et Mai 68 - Theorie et Practique de la revolution 1966-72, Éditions Gérard Lebovici, Paris, Mai 1990. Taken from the Debordiana website
From Delegates Conference At Wolfsed And Trier

Situationist International - Trier, January 19th 1970

1. The delegates began with a clarification upon the comrade Verlaan's recent activities in England: the discussion established that Tony did not compromise the S.I., not having acted in disagreement with our fundamental accord.

Comrade Pavan has red the communication to the conference from the comrade Horelick, just as delegate on the specific questions concerning a) Tony's activities in England and b) stating Jon's point of view about the necessity of maintaining the american section. Tony has made clear that, consistent with his letter of November 17th, he only stated the factual dissolution of the american section according to his information, by December 6th. The delegates thus agreed that in function of the invalidation of the points in Jon's letter, it was possible to establish Tony as the american delegate.

2. Tony affirmed that, awaiting his return to the United States, he would participate in the french section the coming months.

3. The delegates recognized the proposals of the exclusion of Chasse and Elwell and, accordingly, formulated such exclusion.

4. The delegates refused by letter the candidacy to the scandinavian section of a certain Andersen, social democratic prick.

5. Comrade Martin made the report about the scandinavian section. Upon the Bengt Ericson problem, the delegates decided that the scandinavian section will have to precise with him the kind of equal and unequivocal relations we want to have with him and with the comrades Johanson and Swedberg.

Martin denounced the complete and scandalous lack of interest of the whole International about the scandinavian area. Consequently, the delegates of the other sections committed themselves to seriously bring that to the attention of their respective sections.

During the scandinavian report we agreed to send a declaration of support from the International to the Kiruna strikers, which has been executed the following day from Trier with pleasure.

6. Comrade Riesel presented the report from the french section. Martin asked if the french section is experimenting our best weapon, i.e. construction of situations. In the discussion that followed a number of questions were brought up by Tony and Martin about admissions of individuals and groups (those questions were not asked precisely to the french section, but to the whole International). Criticism was made mainly by Martin of the faulty communications from the french section about the former points during the preceding years.

7. Comrade Pavan presented the report from the italian section. About the interpersonal organisational difficulties and the real problems of his section, he announced the practical decisions taken to stop the manifestation of such problems and to prevent them to rise again; by the way, he stated the necessity of formulating an organic practical-theoritical criticism of the past of the italian section.

Claudio also communicated to the conference that his section is going to modify its working program, and he announced that it would send further information concerning both the movement and the section itself.

About the internal problems of the italian section, the french delegate declared the satisfaction of his section about the taken decisions and its agreement with the analysis which has been made.

8. Claudio and René explained the state of the historical-theoritical works on the worker's councils. They established, all together with Tony, to begin an exchange of texts and information.

9. Within the conference, the british commission decided to postpone but to certainly initiate the exchange of information and the coordination of any possible and necessary action in the United Kingdom.

10. About the further situationist activity on the northern american territory, the following points were brought up: a) the temporary participation inside the american section of members of other sections. b) the financial problems related to the virginity of the terrain. c) the necessary publishing of texts most completely exposing the S.I. positions and related possibilities and difficulties.

The delegates took notice that a letter send by Jon to Tony c/o René was sent by him in Amsterdam, and thus that its content possibly related with the american situation was ignored by us.

11. Stating the difficulty of mutual complete understanding due to language barriers, the delegates formally insist at the ensemble of the International to make a consequent effort to eliminate these barriers.

Trier, January 19th 1970

For the american section: VERLAAN
For the italian section: PAVAN
For the french section: RIESEL
For the scandinavian section: MARTIN
