appeared in Situationister 1957-70, Bauhaus Situationniste 1971
First Underground - First Rebels
A survey on revolt and anti-government
movement in the sixties by Bamber Gosling [Jens Jrgen Thorsen]
Jena-Louis Brau quotes In his book on the new generation revolt "Cours,
Cammarade, the vieux monde est apres toi" the following list of important
high points in the evolution of european re-volt from which we here show
three years:
1955 1956 1957 There is absolutely no doubt that the Situationists have formed the
first and one of the most important avant-garde groups among the various
sorts of revolting and anti conformist groups in the sixties: the undergrounds,
the student revolutions, and the Situationists have as well established
a very advanced pattern for creativity in the late sixties and in the
coming seventies as well.
The scism in February 1962 between the little group of situationists
around the French situationist general de Bord and the rest of the movement
is pretty badly documented. Having only gotten his information from
the de Bordists in Paris J. L. Breau seems rather badly informed about
this. He writes:
"August 1961 in Gothenbourg the fifth Conference was held (earlier conferences
annually in re-spectlvely: Cosio d'Arroscia, Paris, Munich, and London).
On this conference the question of the artistic activity of the members
was raised. A great number of the Dutch, Scandinavian and German members
were more or less arrived avant-garde artists especially the dane Jørgen
Nash and the German group SPUR ... Kottany proposed ... to call their
works "antisituationistic".
"The Crise exploded in 1962 with the spilt in which Nash took with him
alI Scandinavians and the German grew more and more political which attracted
the eyes of the police upon them ..."
It is right when M. Brau states that the French Bordists always tried
to exclude activists. And it a fact that the majority of the situationists
whom general de Bord with his tiny little group always tried to pretend
to have excluded, always have stressed experiments through action, through
creating or intervening in situations.
This rigid hate of action was exactly the thing the Bordists were criticised
for during the may events 68 when they like technocrats spent their time
on a restaurant far away from the battlefields handing out pieces of good
After the schism when Nash and Thorsen founded the Second Situationist
International every new-comer among situationists who tried to do independent
action was excluded. The students who started the student revolt at the
Strassbourg University in May 1966 were excluded and so was the new Mexican
group and some of the USA groups (Black Mask and "Up against wall, Motherfuckers",
who all started on the basis of the very first collectively made theories.
It is remarkable that none of these groups ever really wanted or demanded
to be included in the French de Bordist section. Anyhow general de Bord
stated that they were excluded.
All these groups are now uniting in a THIRD SITUATIONIST INTERNATIONAL.
In Holland, as both Mr. Brau and Mr. Landsmann tells, the PROVO was
started by and excluded situationist. The name of this guy seems obviously
a secret. (Two authors must refer to Constant Niewenhuis or one in the
cirle around him). In Germany through the Commune 1 created by later situationists
and others inspired by Wilhelm Reich the German youth revolt started burning.
In Scandinavia the situationists carried on their aims, destructing
the consumerist society and the consumerist culture through experimental
actions, CO-RITUS, demonstrations etc., and their experiments are on the
most important points documented by this book [Situationister 1957-70].
These experiments have formed the bridge to the THIRD SITUATIONIST INTERNATIONAL
which is now in its primary shape.
In thit book Mr. Brau claims five groups to be responsible for the mai
revolt ifl Paris, namely 1) The University Syndicates, 2) The Situationists,
3) The Externists (Lettrists), 4) the young communists, 5) the Anarchists,
6) The Trotzkists and the Maoists.
In his book Mr. Brau seems very badly informed on what is going on outside
France. A pity.
But even in a material like his in which 3/4 of the situationist groups
are missing, the documentation of the basic part the situationists have
played in the subversive and creative evolution in the sixties is very