appeared in Situationister 1957-70, Bauhaus Situationniste 1971
Ambrosius Fjord [Jens Jørgen Thorsen]
CO-RITUS was the first attempt to get rid of the spectator in the creative
process through transferring him into a participator and thus attacking
the consumerist structure of the actual society and artistic and urbanistic
life. It was an attempt to base activities on folklore creativity.
The first CO-RITUS manifestations were organised in Copenhagen and Sweden
in 1962 by situationists from the Second Internationale Situationniste.
But the theory was elaborated in the CO-RITUS manifesto of 1961.
Among the experiments we shall mention:
leading the visitors into an empty room. All kinds of materials were presented
to them and the next fourteen days followed with collective spontaneous
activity by all visitors, poem-reading by the people in the streets near
by, mutual music. And the end was the attempt of conquering the inner
town of Copenhagen to be a creative field for the people instead of the
architects and their brothers the businessmen. This was brutally stopped
by the police. In this last event participated among others the SPUR Group
from Munich.
THE FOURTH CO-RITUS Concerto in Uppsala 1963 for four hundred visitors,
empty beer cans, garbage-organs, five film projectors, jazzbands, swedish
double trumpets blowers, car-horn, organs, wandering collage and spontaneous
public. The public started dancing, painting , building and working on
the huge movable collage among huge piles of empty cans while others formed
groups for playing or acting on the orders given by the film-projectors.
This event was made in order to muck the 800 year jubilee of the archbishopdom
of Uppsala and the christianisation of Scandinavian culture.
THE SPIRAL LABYRINTH, Malmo Town Hall. Quite a series of situationist
labyrinths have failed. The Spiral Labyrinth in the Malmo Town Hall combined
the spiral and the labyrinthic possibilities of being both finished and
unfinished. The visitor's work in completing the Labyrinth was stopped
by the town hall authorities.
THE 12TH CO-RITUS MANIFESTATION, 1965. Set up in the most crowded street
in Copenhagen this manifestation toppled totally the police forming a
feast for more than 3,000 people, folk musicians, painters and musicians.
A huge audience-made collective painting formed a barricade across the
narrow walking street until the crowd marched towards Copenhagen police
station in order to free an arrested demonstrator. He was immediately
set free. Later the demonstrators stormed the Ministry Of Culture but
found the doors shut.