appeared as a leaflet published after the Bauhaus Immaginista's Congress
of Free Artists in Alba September 2 - 8, 1956 and signed by J. Calonne,
Constant, G. Pinot-Gallizio, Jorn, J. Kotik, P. Rada, P. Simondo, E. Sottsass
Jr., E. Verrone and G.J. Wolman. Drawn up by Jorn together with others.
Later printed in Polatch No.27 (2 November 1957). Translated by Ken Knabb
and taken from Situationist International Anthology, Bureau Of Public
Secrets, 1981
The Alba Platform
September 2-8 a Congress was held in Alba, Italy, convoked by Asger
Jorn and Giuseppe Gallizio in the name of the International Movement for
an Imaginist Bauhaus, a grouping whose views are in agreement with the
Lettrist International's program regarding urbanism and its possible uses
(see Potlatch #26). Representatives of avant-garde groups from eight countries
(Algeria, Belgium, Czechoslovakia, Denmark, France, Great Britain, Holland,
Italy) met there to determine the bases for a united organization. The
tasks toward this end were dealt with in all their implications.
Christian Dotremont, who had been announced as a member of the Belgian
delegation in spite of the fact that he has for some time been a collaborator
in the Nouvelle Nouvelle Revue Française, refrained from appearing at
the Congress, where his presence would have been unacceptable for the
majority of the participants.
Enrico Baj, representative of the "Nuclear Art Movement," was excluded
the very first day. The Congress affirmed its break with the Nuclearists
by issuing the following statement: "Confronted with his conduct in certain
previous affairs, Baj withdrew from the Congress. He did not make off
with the cash-box."
Meanwhile our Czechoslovakian comrades Pravoslav Rada and Kotik were
prevented from entering Italy. In spite of our protests, the Italian government
did not grant them visas to pass through its national iron curtain until
the end of the Alba Congress.
The statement of Wolman, the Lettrist International delegate, particularly
stressed the necessity for a common platform specifying the totality of
current experimentation:
"Comrades, the parallel crises presently affecting all modes of artistic
creation are determined by general, interrelated tendencies and cannot
be resolved outside a comprehensive general perspective. The process of
negation and destruction that has manifested itself at an accelerated
rate against all the former conditions of artistic activity is irreversible:
it is the consequence of the appearance of superior possibilities of action
on the world. . . . Whatever prestige the bourgeoisie may today be willing
to grant to fragmentary or deliberately retrograde artistic tentatives,
creation can now be nothing less than a synthesis aiming at the construction
of entire atmospheres and styles of life. . . . A unitary urbanism - the
synthesis we call for, incorporating arts and technology - must be created
in accordance with new values of life, values which we now need to distinguish
and disseminate. . . . "
The Congress concluded by expressing a substantial agreement in the
form of a six-point resolution, declaring the "necessity of an integral
construction of the environment by a unitary urbanism that must utilize
all arts and modern techniques"; the "inevitable outmodedness of any renovation
of an art within its traditional limits"; the "recognition of an essential
interdependence between unitary urbanism and a future style of life" which
must be situated "in the perspective of a greater real freedom and a greater
domination of nature"; and finally, "unity of action among the signers
on the basis of this program" (the sixth point going on to enumerate the
various specifics of mutual support).
Apart from this final resolution - signed by J. Calonne, Constant, G.
Gallizio, A. Jorn, Kotik, Rada, Piero Simondo, E. Sottsass Jr., Elena
Verrone, Wolman - the Congress unanimously declared itself against any
relations with participants in the Festival de la Cité Radieuse, thus
following through with the boycott initiated the preceding month.
At the conclusion of the Congress Gil J. Wolman was added to the editorial
board of Eristica, the information bulletin of the International Movement
for an Imaginist Bauhaus, and Asger Jorn was placed on the board of directors
of the Lettrist International.
The Alba Congress will probably one day be seen as a key moment, one
of the difficult stages in the struggle for a new sensibility and a new
culture, a struggle which is itself part of the general revolutionary
resurgence characterizing the year 1956, visible in the upsurge of the
masses in the USSR, Poland and Hungary (although in the latter case we
see the dangerously confusing revival of rotten old watchwords of clerical
nationalism resulting from the fatal error of the prohibition of any Marxist
opposition), in the successes of the Algerian revolt, and in the major
strikes in Spain. These developments allow us the greatest hopes for the
near future.